Our Activities
We bring joy to patients
in the hospitals.
Every week, our 600 volunteers spread out to the various hospital wards around the country with musical instruments, gifts for the children, and most of all – lots of energy that instantly raises the moods around.
The enthusiastic singing, dancing, and boundless warmth take the patient away, even if briefly, from his painful daily reality and offer him real hope for the future.
The ‘TABLEV’ Network, first of its kind in the world!
The ‘Tablev' Network is a unique system for borrowing tablets for hospitalized patients and those who are with them. The tablets serve as a tool for patients to study, learn with partners from afar, play games, and much more. Belev Echad is already dealing with hundreds of requests to borrow tablets. The goal is to increase operations significantly so there will not be a hospital without Belev Echad tablets.
Games for sick children
600 המתנדבים שלנו פושטים מידי שבוע על
המחלקות השונות בבתי החולים ברחבי הארץ
עם כלי נגינה, מתנות לילדים ובעיקר המון אנרגיות
שמרימות את מפלס מצב הרוח לגבהים אחרים.
השירה הסוחפת, הריקודים והחום האינסופי,
מנתקות את החולה ולו לשעה קלה מהמציאות
היומיומית הכואבת, ונותנת לו תקווה אמיתית
Bar and Bat Mitzvot for Sick and Special Needs Children
ילד חולה שראה רק סבל בשנות חייו המעטות זכאי יותר מכל ילד אחר להניח בצד את הכאב לערב אחד שמוקדש רק בשבילו.אנחנו מארגנים אירועי בר מצווה ברמה הגבוהה ביותר לילדים חולים.
We produce special events for the children.
Belev Echad's famous events are the highlight of our activities. Throughout the year, we arrange dozens of events to provide the children and their families with a pleasure-filled respite from the suffering and pain. Fun days and attractions in prominent sites, musical events with famous performers, "simanim" before Rosh Hashana, Simchas Beis Hashoeva parties on Succos, an especially extravagant Purim party, and many other varied activities based on the time and need.
We organize respite Shabbasos for the children and their families.
Every few months, we take all the children of the organization along with their families to a respite Shabbos in magnificent hotels throughout the country, providing them with true respite for the body and soul. The families enjoy lavish Shabbos meals, fun activities for the children and professional performers at an exciting and moving Melaveh Malka party on Motzai Shabbos.